Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

Search Results for: VIPAPP2024 1x bet promocode Trinidad and Tobago

  • Alef-Bet Workshop

    …24 Jan Alef-Bet Workshop January 24, 2016 6:00 pm – 6:50 pm ALEFBET Workshop 1 More Info…

  • Alef-Bet Workshop

    …31 Jan Alef-Bet Workshop January 31, 2016 6:00 pm – 6:50 pm ALEFBET Workshop 1 More Info…

  • Alef-Bet Workshop

    …07 Feb Alef-Bet Workshop February 7, 2016 6:00 pm – 6:50 pm ALEFBET Workshop 1 More Info…

  • Parashat VaEthanan 5762: Installation of Officers

    …God. So who or what do we mean when we say, “our God”? I think it’s a safe bet that every one of us here in the sanctuary today conceives of God in a somewhat different way. My own beliefs have evolved over the years, beginning when I was a little girl with God as a wise, gray-bearded grandfather-in-the-sky, to the idea that God is Nature, to a version of the Reconstructionist concept of God as the power that makes for good in the world; in times…

  • Shabbat Sheqalim Parashat Pequdei Rosh Hodesh Adar Sheni 5765

    …ook out a third scroll this morning because today is the first day of Adar Bet, the month that gives us Purim (quoting Ina: “Purim Baskets!”). Mi-she-nicknas Adar, marbin be-simha once Adar starts, celebration increases (Eruvin 29a). Tonight’s auction will be a great kick-off to the month ahead. I hope to see every one of you here, with friends, beginning at 7:30. Bring your credit cards and some cash, too, for the raffles. Bring your sense of fun…

  • Parashat Bereishit Devar Torah

    …will surely die. * * * This is a very different vision of the relationship between God and people. In the distant story, the first story, the story of origins and essences, God began with blessings and promises of fruitfulness. But now in this second story, this immanent story, this intimate story, G-d begins with rules and consequences, prohibitions and promises of death. Two stories, father and king, mother and queen, parent and sovereign, Avinu…

  • On Teshuva (Repentence)

    …tells us today at the end of Parshat Nitzavim, is between life and death, between the blessing and the curse. Teshuv el Adonai Elohekha — return to the Lord your God — and Hashem will give us abundant food and wealth and children. And if we turn away? Brimstone, salt, burnt earth and death. Again and again, the parsha urges us to return to God and hearken to God’s voice. Two weeks from now, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we will stare into…

  • Go Forth: Parashat VaYera 5763

    …at the phrase “lekh lekha” is used in the entire Torah. I saw a connection between the two instances of lekh lekha: in both, there are lists of what exactly Abraham has to leave and give up. Both lists start with a broad thing to give up and then narrow it down: list number one — go from your land, your birthplace, your father’s house. List number two — take your son, your only son, the one you love, Isaac. This similarity led me to still others….

  • Parashat Matot

    …were very popular with the kids: “Tov shem m’shemen tov” – a good name is better than precious oil – you only had to master three words for that one – or even better, only two words for “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” Justice, justice shall you pursue. My mother was a compassionate person, and quite a few of the pitgamim emphasized empathy: Al tadin et chavercha ad shetageea l’mikomo: don’t judge another person until you’re in his situation. Al ta’amod…

  • Bulletin December 1999

    …brother and two precious sons,” and most recently “The Leah E. Posener and Betty D. Zelen Memorial Fund for the Benefit of Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel Sisterhood.” After establishing these funds, George made significant additional contributions. These funds will support our community and memorialize the Posener name in perpetuity. Whatismore, George has named the Congregation and its religious school as a major beneficiary in his estate plan…