Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

Search Results for: VIPREG2024 1x promo code Bulgaria

  • Ottoman Land Registration Law as a Contributing Factor in the Israeli-Arab Conflict

    …store the prosperity of the agriculturalists,” writes Tute, “that the Land Code of 1858 was framed. …It is clear that this legislation could only be given effect to by setting up a system of land registration.”13 The Land Code of 1858 was thus soon followed by the Tapu Law of 14 December 1858 which provided for the issuance of title-deeds. “Procedures for registration, not only of old title, but also of transfers, inheritance, vivification of mewa…

  • Nonviolent Resistance of the Jews to Roman Occupation in Israel 26-41 C.E.

    …tions not to use force to make them transgress and violate their ancestral code. They said, “If you propose at all costs to set up the image, slay us first before you carry out these resolutions. For it is not possible for us to survive and to behold actions that are forbidden us by the decision both of our lawgiver and of our ancestors. … In order to preserve our ancestral code, we shall patiently endure what may be in store for us… for God will…

  • The People’s Torah

    …ses Maimonides, the Rambam, broke the mold with the publication of his law code Mishne Torah. In his concise Hebrew, the Rambam systematized much of the known body of practical Jewish law into a law code that could serve as a quick reference guide to any student or judge. But unlike previous law books, this book did not include minority opinions, did not quote passages from the Talmud as its source of authority, did not present compelling argument…

  • The Miracle of Hanuka

    …s mitzva is so important that the Shulhan Arukh, the sixteenth-century law code that serves as the common base for modern law, describes the obligation in this way: ‘ One needs to take great care in lighting the Hanuka lights; even a poor person subsisting on charity pawns or sells their cloak and buys oil for lighting. Shulhan Arukh O.H. 571 Lighting the Hanuka lights is so important that a poor person is instructed to take on additional hardship…

  • Prayer & Synagogue Ritual

    …HaMoed? Signed, Prayerful Dear Prayerful, Yes. According to the early law code `Arba Turim (“The Tur”), O.H. 188, “…[O]n Rosh Hodesh and Hol HaMoed we say in it [birkat hamazon] ‘ya`ale veyavo’ and if Rosh Hodesh or Hol HaMoed falls on Shabbat we say ‘retsei vehaHalitsenu’ and afterwards ‘ya`ale veyavo.’ We do not mention Shabbat in ‘yaele veyavo’ nor Hol HaMoed or Rosh Hodesh in ‘retsei vehaHalitsenu.’ Rabbi Yosef Karo in Beit Yosef comments tha…

  • Shabbat Pesah 5761: My Bat Torah Observance

    …ant us to do with her? She doesn’t know the language! She doesn’t know the code! What are we supposed to do with her?” “What does God say?” she asks. I listen. God doesn’t say anything. He won’t tell them to let me in. He doesn’t interfere. He’s just smiling. “Why is he smiling?” she asks. I think that God finds it amusing in some way…his children amuse him. And I think He’s smiling because he knows it’s not time, for them or for me, and that I ha…

  • Candle Lighting Times

    …by tradition. For candle lighting times for the New Haven Area, enter ZIP Code 06515 at Candlelighting Times Guide. For candle lighting times and additional time parameters, see MyZmanim for New Haven and adjust elevation to 21 meters where applicable. The bottom left of the screen provides a date menu. For a Hebrew Calendar Add-on with candle lighting times for Mozilla Firefox, see Want to kno…

  • Endowments

    …osener has presented each student with a gift at the annual Graduation and Promotion Exercises. Seeing the continuing success and growth of the School and sensing the need for assured funding, he established the George G. & Leah E. Posener Endowment for the Jewish Education of BEKI Youth in May 1997. To express their appreciation, the students, alumni, parents and faculty of the School designated Shabbat morning 17 May 1997 as the Religious School…

  • Introducing New Members

    …shul community. I grew up Modern Orthodox, so over time I have learned to “code switch” between being both frum and secular. I live in New Haven now and hope to become a member of one of the teams for Kiddush. If I could find a fellow member who shared a particular hobby or interest, maybe someone who’s artistic; I love seeing plays and I’ve been playing cello since 4th grade. Jonathan Cohen & Shayna Schor and Caleb Listed from tallest to shortest…

  • How to Donate

    …l Revenue Service as described in section 501(c)3  of the Internal Revenue Code; see our Letter of Determination from the IRS. Donate Online – To make a donation online by credit card, complete this form. Contributions of any amount are appreciated. Bill My Account – Donate now and have our office bill you. Members and Supporters may call or email requesting the BEKI office to bill your account. If you’re paying by check, make the…