Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • The Bully Pulpit

    them. Donʼt tell anyone, but you donʼt really need a rabbi to become a bar- or bat-mitzva, get married or divorced, or have a funeral. It may be desirable to have rabbinic guidance and supervision, but there are really no special “powers” a rabbi has other than the endorsement of some rabbinical school attesting to the rabbiʼs training. The Cemetery Association may require (for good reasons) that a rabbi officiate at a funeral, but there is no su…

  • Abraham’s Tent

    …09 Mar Abraham’s Tent March 9, 2015 5:30 pm – 11:30 pm BEKI Abraham’s Tent is a community-based program with Columbus House which, through the generosity of local religious congregations and organizations, provides shelter and case management for […] More Info…

  • Shabbat VaYiqra 5762

    …a lot during the course of this past year. I would like to thank Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen for always being nurturing and encouraging. Thank you to Jeffrey Kern who helped me learn how to read my parasha and to Marsha and Sarah Beller who helped me learn how to lead the services. Thank you to two of my favorite teachers, Rabbi Daniel Greer from the Gan School and Rabbi Yehuda Brecher from Hebrew Academy. Thank you to all my friends who are the greates…

  • Parashat DeMidbar Devar Torah

    …to carry the effort to the finish. I also think we need to realize that day-to-day decisions we make, attitudes that we express, actions we take play a role in this effort. What decision do we make if we are asked to help make a men’s only Minyan in a shul with a mechizah separating the genders? That is a tough call when someone needs that Minyan to say kaddish, or that shul is where your cousin’s son’s bar-mitzvah celebration is occurring, becaus…

  • Parashat Aharei Mot

    the community. Passages like those we’ve already discussed, or perhaps the best example that comes to mind, the curses of Deuteronomy upon those who disobey G‐d’s mitzvot, reveal a community that has suffered extreme violence. They put the violence they have actually experienced, the horrors they have actually witnessed—the experience of a violent and community‐shattering exile—and turned them into Divine threats. This serves as a means of explain…

  • A Dry Statement on How Dry I Am

    …doesnʼt fit into my plans. So, at least so far, I have sought consciousness-expanding experiences and new realities through more conventional, or at least non-chemical, means. Fortunately, our sages have made suggestions to guide us in such quests. Am I “holier than thou”? Although I am a card-carrying member of the Holy Men & Womenʼs Association of America, as a professional matter, I definitely have my serious vices, but we will not explore that…

  • Tribute to Our Civic Leaders Carl Goldfield, Ina Silverman, & Susan Voigt

    …more important to honor our leaders who are honest, intelligent, community-minded, self-sac rificial and hard-working people with high ideals and shared values. They are people who are dedicating part of their lives for the common good, to fulf ill the mission of the Jewish People of making the world better through the mitzvot and values taught by our sages. As Rabban Gamliel, son of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, taught (Avot 2:2): כל – שמים לשם עמהם עוֹס…

  • Animal Rights and Wrongs

    …o deserve destruction,” is that — I’m not making this up — they committed “bestiality,” i.e., mating across species, a sin the natural consequences of which would compromise the species’ prospect for survival!) In our day, advocates for “Animal Rights” have taken extreme measures to protest and protect against the exploitation of animals. The sentiment behind this is noble, represents valid Torah values, and implements several specific mitsvot. Be…

  • Food, Kosher, Kashrut, Kosher for Passover

    …” in Kashrus Magazine (March 2004 p. 7): “Manischewitz Chocolate Coins (‘OU-Pareve’) bear the words: ‘In G-d We Trust.’ A number of leading rabbonim have Paskened that one may not eat them nor throw away the chocolate and wrappers, if they too have those words. Consult your rabbi.” So rabbi, I am consulting you. What should I do if we have those coins? Signed, In R-bbi We Trust Dear Trust, Our halakha (law) holds that there are five basic Hebrew n…

  • Death & Dying

    …, Dying to Know Dear Know, Long ago when the sites were obtained, land was cheaper outside the city. Moreover, it is viewed as proper that a cemetery be a little bit out of sight.   Dear Rabbi, Why do some shuls say Mourner’s Qaddish so many times at the end of some services? Signed, Late for Work Dear Late, Why? Because it’s a tradition. Originally only one qaddish was said, and only one person, usually a mourner, said it. There are some communit…