Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • More Audio Files

    …Hanukat HaBayit LeDavid Pesuqei deZimra – Weekday – Part 2 – Yehi Khavod Pesuqei deZimra – Weekday – Part 3 – Barukh Adonai Le`Olam   Rosh Hodesh & Festival Pesuqei deZimra — Psalms & Poetry of Praise Pesuqei deZimra – Shabbat & Festival Additions – Part 1 https…

  • A Dry Statement on How Dry I Am

    …doesnʼt fit into my plans. So, at least so far, I have sought consciousness-expanding experiences and new realities through more conventional, or at least non-chemical, means. Fortunately, our sages have made suggestions to guide us in such quests. Am I “holier than thou”? Although I am a card-carrying member of the Holy Men & Womenʼs Association of America, as a professional matter, I definitely have my serious vices, but we will not explore that…

  • Rabbi’s Annual Report June 2013

    …irement and is becoming a regular reader. Noam Benson-Tilsen, among the pre-benei-mitzva set, is also becoming a regular reader. Under halakha (Jewish Law), pre-benei mitzva youth can read Torah publicly, but usually don’t because they haven’t yet learned how. We promote youth reading Torah because we are a learning congregation with a progressive outlook (or, alternatively, we are desperate for more Torah readers). Thanks to the Qiddush Committee…

  • BEKI In the News

    …-haven-synagogue/ WTIC (Fox 61). Courant…

  • Bulletin December 1999

    …eCycle HaMaqom Yinahem Etkhem We mourn the passing of Estelle Bloom, sister-in-law of Irving Weinstein Harry M. Wartur, father of Susan & Steven Wolfson Irving Rudof, father of Stephen & Joanne Rudof Mae Etkind, wife of Herbert Etkind May the memory of our departed be for a blessing. Mazal Tov! Mazal tov to Carolyn Lemkin, daughter of Edward & Rhoda Lemkin, and Louis Sachs, son of Ivan & Rita Sachs, and brother of Linda & Ken Buckman and Mark & Il…

  • The People’s Torah

    …called יבּום yibum or “Levirite marriage” whereby the brother or male next-of-kin of a married man who dies childless must marry his widow. The purpose of this rule is insure that the deceased’s property rights, some of which may be entwined with the widow, will remain within his tribe, and to insure that the widow has the support she needs. But over the years, the tribal territories were lost, women gained independent property rights, and polyga…

  • Dganit Zauberman

    …ich was followed by military service. Dganit then traveled with her husband-to-be, traversing Southeast Asia, in a physically difficult, but emotionally rewarding experience that would last two and a half years. Dganit and her husband moved to North Carolina in 1992. During her time there, Dganit worked as a teacher for low-income pre-school children in Chapel Hill, and later taught undergraduate Hebrew at Duke University, while creating art as a…

  • New Baby

    …o have the linens commercially washed, dry cleaning is not required; a wash-and-fold service is sufficient. Usually, Rabbi Woodward will announce births by email to the congregation, and the bulletin editor will include a mazal tov in the next month’s edition. If either of those is a problem for you, just tell us. Rachel Greenberg, the volunteer coordinator of BEKI’s Lotsa Helping Hands program, will consult you about delivery of twice weekly dinn…

  • Naomi Safran-Hon

    …tions by Suzanne Neusner and Naomi Safran-Hon Her work was reviewed by Seph Rodney for the New York Times in 2020; read the review at Three doors into my blue heart in pink and orange Prices on Request. For inquiries email…

  • Nonviolent Resistance of the Jews to Roman Occupation in Israel 26-41 C.E.

    …y version of the incident is found in his Embassy (Legatio ad Gaium) ch. 29-43 (184-348). It is summarized by E. Mary Smallwood as follows:20 The Jews of Jamnia demolished an altar built by the Greeks resident in that town. The latter complained to Herennius Capito, the procurator of the imperial estate in which Jamnia lay, who reported the matter to Gaius. Gaius decided that, as a punishment for the Jews’ action, a colossal gilded statue of himse…