85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 | office@beki.org
Lulav and etrog are used each morning from the beginning of Sukkot through the morning of Hoshana Rabba, but not including Shabbat. To order a lulav and etrog contact the office at office@beki.org. Some services, and Kiddush for the Festival days and Shabbat, are held in the sukkah, weather permitting. Please dress accordingly. During Ḥol HaMoed and Hoshana Rabba (except on Shabbat), some wear tefillin until Hallel is begun; others do not wear tefillin during this period. The general practice at BEKI is to not wear tefillin. The BEKI Moishe Schnitman Sukkah is open for use to members and their guests, supporters and neighbors; no representation is made by the synagogue concerning the kashrut of food brought by members and their guests, supporters and neighbors for personal use in the sukkah.
Hear the blessings for festival meals.