85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 | office@beki.org
The sanctuary of Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel is located within the New Haven Eruv at approximately North 41° 19′ 43.10″ West 72° 57′ 41.80″ and is about 70 feet (21 meters) above sea level. Candle lighting times are calculated for that location and are rounded back to the nearest minute so the lighting time will be 18 to 19 minutes before the halakhic (Jewish legal) definition of sunset. The halakhic sunset will be about one minute later than civil sunset. If you are within New Haven or its surrounding towns your recommended lighting time will be within a minute of the time listed below, well within the “safety margins” established by tradition.
For candle lighting times for the New Haven Area, enter ZIP Code 06515 at Candlelighting Times Guide.
For candle lighting times and additional time parameters, see MyZmanim for New Haven and adjust elevation to 21 meters where applicable. The bottom left of the screen provides a date menu.
For a Hebrew Calendar Add-on with candle lighting times for Mozilla Firefox, see https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1379.
Want to know who is scheduled to lead the services? Consult the Service Leader Rotation Schedule to see who is doing what where on Shabbat Evenings, Mornings and Afternoons.