Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

Prayer Audio Files

This Audio File Collection contains Biblical and liturgical passages that may be downloaded and played on sound-enabled computers and digital players. Page numbers are for Siddur Sim Shalom / Or Hadash & Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat & Festivals or Mahzor Lev Shalem (MLS).

Birkhot haNehenin: Blessings before eating or drinking

Birkat Adama: The blessing over vegetables
Birkat Eitz: The blessing over fruit
Netilat Yadayim: The blessing at Washing of Hands, recited before Birkat HaMotsi
Birkat HaMotsi: The blessing over bread
Birkat Mezonot: The blessing over cakes & crackers
Birkat SheHaKol: The generic blessing over food
Birkat Yayin: The blessing over wine & grapejuice

Berakhot Aharonot: Blessings after eating or drinking

Birkat Borei Nefashot: The generic blessing after food or drink
Birkat HaMazon: The Grace After Meals (first paragraph)

Saturday Morning Service Melodies

Keri’at Shema: Recitation of the Shema

Shema: The first of three paragraphs (Deut. 6:4-9) recorded by J-J Tilsen
Shema: The second of three paragraphs (Deut. 11:13-21) recorded by J-J Tilsen
Shema: The third of three paragraphs (Num. 15:37-41) recorded by J-J Tilsen

Birkhot HaTorah: Blessings for aliya to Torah

Chart of Blessings (Hebrew with Transliteration)

Berakha Before Aliya (asher bahar banu) recorded by Louis Friedman
Berakha Before Aliya (asher bahar banu) recorded by J-J Tilsen
Berakha After Aliya (asher natan lanu) recorded by Louis Friedman
Berakha After Aliya (asher natan lanu) recorded by J-J Tilsen

Birkhot HaHaftara: Blessings before and after the Haftara (Prophetic Reading)

Berakha Before Haftara (asher bahar biniviim tovim) recorded by Louis Friedman
Berakha After Haftara (tsur kol-haolamim) recorded by Louis Friedman

Trope & Sample Text

Torah Trope recorded by Andy Schultz
Haftara Trope recorded by Andy Schultz

Shabbat Blessings

Blessing for Son(s)
Blessing for Daughter(s)
Blessing for Child(ren) (Num. 6:24-27)
Va-Yekhulu: Introduction to Shabbat Evening Kiddush (Gen. 1:31 – 2:3) Amy Pincus
Va-Yekhulu: Introduction to Shabbat Evening Kiddush (Gen. 1:31–2:3) Andy Schultz
Kiddush for Shabbat Evening (Friday Night) Amy Pincus
Kiddush for Shabbat Evening (Friday Night Andy Schultz
Netilat Yadayim: The blessing at Washing of Hands recited before Birkat HaMotsi
Birkat HaMotsi: The blessing over bread
Birkat HaMazon: The Grace After Meals (first paragraph)
Havdala for Motse’ei Shabbat (Saturday Night)

Birkhot Rosh HaShana

Kiddush for Rosh HaShana Evening
Kiddush for Rosh HaShana Evening Coincident with Shabbat

Birkhot Shelosh Regalim — Festivals

Kiddush for Sukkot First Evening
Kiddush for Sukkot First Evening Coincident with Shabbat
Kiddush for Sukkot Second Evening
Kiddush for Shemini Atseret & Simḥat Torah Evening

Hanuka Blessings

Hanuka Candles: First Berakha (le-hadliq ner) recorded by Amy Pincus
Hanuka Candles: Second Berakha (she-`asa nisim) recorded by Amy Pincus
Hanuka Candles: Third Berakha (she-heheyanu) (recited on First Night only) recorded by Amy Pincus

Preschool Havura

Children’s Shabbat Siddur Melodies

K-2 Congregation

BEKI Siddur Mah Tov Part 1
BEKI Siddur Mah Tov Part 2
BEKI Siddur Mah Tov Part 3
BEKI Siddur Mah Tov Part 4
BEKI Siddur Mah Tov Part 5

Junior Congregation

Birkhot HaShahar
Hodu Ladonai Ki Tov
Shokhen Ad Shabbat
Berakhot Before Shema
Shema VeAhavta
Shema VeAsu Tsitsit Shabbat Shaharit
Mi Kamokha Tsur Yisrael Shaharit Shabbat
Amida Avot Gevurot Shaharit Shabbat
Amida Qedusha Shabbat Shaharit  
Amida Sim Shalom Shabbat Shaharit  
Torah Service Hotsaa Shabbat JC
Torah Service Hakhnasa Shabbat

BEKI High Holiday Junior Congregation – Tiku Shofar

1-Ma Tovu – regular Shabbat tune  

Yamim Noraim:  High Holy Days by Russell Epstein

Unetane Toqef (MLS 143)

BeRosh HaShana Yikatevu (MLS 144)

Anu Amekha (MLS 381)
Vekhol Ma’aminim (MLS 146-148)
Melekh Elyon (MLS 155)
VeYe’etayu (Keter Melukha) (MLS 150)
BeSefer Hayim (MLS 388)
Kohanic Blessing (MLS 170)
HaYom (MLS 170)
Adon Olam (MLS 175)


Other Liturgy

Ashrei Yoshvei Veitekha (Psalm 84:5, 144:15, 145, 115:18) recorded by Louis Friedman

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