Congregation Beth El–Keser Israel

85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 |

Our banner is based on BEKI’s stained glass, designed in 2008 by Cynthia Beth Rubin. For information on this and other of Cynthia’s work, go to: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Artisan Fabrication by JC Glass of Branford, CT

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  • Parashat Toldot 5766

    …of this. Some traditional commentators see the biblical use of doublets or triplets simply as a form of emphasis by repetition. More modern scholars see them as evidences of different versions of one story, taken from different sources. The multiple versions were retained for some reason or for no reason when the many strands which form the Bible were drawn together. The traditional Jewish commentators and even modern scholars offer a variety of e…

  • Food, Kosher, Kashrut, Kosher for Passover

    …in Job 41:14: “Who can open the doors of his face? His teeth are terrible round about.” Failure to maintain dental hygiene may result in hearing your dentist quote the verse, “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:11). Dear Rabbi, I can’t stand it. Whenever I come for food at a Bar Mitzva or Bat Mitzva or Wedding I have to stand in a long line. Can’t you do something about it? Signed, Tired of waiting in long lines. Dear Tired, Simp…

  • Shabbat Shira

    …y a tent spike through the head. But as they say, what goes around, comes around. In every resource that I have read, it says Deborah was a prophet. To add on to that, I’ve also read that she was the Prophet of War. Isn’t that cool? Having a woman as the Prophet of War? I think that means something, don’t you? I mean, the Sages or whoever wrote the Tanach — we won’t get into that now — had so many prophets. Miriam, Deborah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezeki…

  • Introducing New Members

    …o BEKI. At the same time, we also admire and love the fact that a sizeable number of congregants can daven and read Torah! The unrestrained excitement of little ones further adds to the pleasure in feeling that Am Yisrael Chai! Tom Goldenberg & Jessica Holzer and Ainsley Tom is a New Haven Mayoral candidate and was previously a public sector consultant. Jess is the chair-elect of the University of New Haven’s public health department. Ainsley is i…

  • Anna Broell Bresnick

    …els. The series “Vertical Landscapes” were begun after several excursions around Eastern Europe in the 1970s and ’80’s. Each structure is based on a very distinct place in the former Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia or in Rumania, and the titles often refer to the historical events or essential qualities of these specific locations. “From the Venetian Glass Pen” was a series based on the many walks and rides around Venice and the island of Morano (known…

  • Motifs of Nonviolence in Shivhei HaBesht (Tales of the Ba’al Shem Tov)

    …hei HaBesht (Tel Aviv: Devir) 5707/1947, 5735/1975, p. 35. A table of tale numbers and the corresponding page numbers in other editions is given at the back of the book by Ben-Amos and Mintz. 2. Violence is neither advocated nor condoned in these tales to any significant extent, whereas many tales strongly advocate the efficacy and advantages of nonviolence. The main exception to this generalization are a few of the first fifteen tales (pp. 39-51…

  • New Baby

    …Abby Fraade, the volunteer who manages sponsorships. Please note that cellphones and photography are permitted on weekdays, but not on Shabbat or Yom Tov. If you choose to have a ceremony at BEKI on some other day, please work out the general plan in advance with Office Manager Peggy Hackett. She will arrange kitchen supervision and custodial services. Please note that we do NOT allow self-catering or a plan that’s “friends will take care of setu…

  • Parashat DeMidbar Devar Torah

    …of all the people. Imagine if the parshah has told us, tribe by tribe, the number of people in each tribe, and separately, the number of males, 20 and up, who were fit for service. Would that kind of census send a different message to us, a message saying, “everyone counts”, including all the women? The second census, what I’ll call the redemption census, I find a strange one. It requires counting of all the male Levites who were at least a month…

  • Go Forth: Parashat VaYera 5763

    …th lists start with a broad thing to give up and then narrow it down: list number one — go from your land, your birthplace, your father’s house. List number two — take your son, your only son, the one you love, Isaac. This similarity led me to still others. One of the first, and most obvious, comparisons between the two instances of lekh lekha was that in both, God is sending Abraham on a journey. In the first lekh lekha, God is starting Abraham o…