The charge to the Sanctuary Redesign Committee is to create a design for the sanctuary itself — from the movable wall to the ark. Our mandate (and budget) specifically do not include the social hall.
The synagogue was built with highway-grade structural steel pillars and girders. That said, a structural engineer must certify that all aspects of the design meet Connecticut building codes and are safe for occupancy and use.
No. We plan to run new heating/cooling ducts above the ceiling (where none currently exist), to add vents for that ductwork, and to replace the lighting. Otherwise, the ceiling will remain as is. Lowering it would be a major expense and ranked as a low priority for the committee and in the congregational survey.
With such a high ceiling, fans would not be effective unless they were truly massive (and truly deafening).
Ornamentation — including ark doors and/or curtain and other decorative elements — will come in the next phase of the design process.
The storage rooms flanking the current bimah — one of which formerly held an organ and choir — are not part of the redesign mandate.