85 Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 | P: 203.389.2108 | office@beki.org
Baking מצת מצוה matzat mitzva, the matzah to be used for the fulfillment of the requirement to eat unleavened bread at the Pesah seder, can be done only (or preferably) after the prohibition against eating or possessing hametz (leavened items) has begun, namely, the afternoon before the Pesah seder.
BEKI members have baked matzat mitzva on the afternoon before Peash in the (then newly-renovated) BEKI kitchen since Passover 2011, when quality ovens suitable for matzah baking were acquired.
Grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye or spelt) is milled in a cool, dark, dry area of the building on the night before (i.e., about 24 hours before) the seder. The flour is secured (“shemura”) from moisture and heat, or any conditions that could promote leavening or other contamination. Water is drawn that evening as well to insure it is cool and clear for use on the afternoon of matzah baking.
Chief Matzah Bakers have studied the Shulhan Arukh and other codes to insure the rules for matzah baking are strictly followed. During baking, the process is scrupulously monitored and each matzah is continuously inspected.
Join Bill, David, Sascha, Noam, Jon-Jay and others on Friday morning 22 April 2016 from about 11:30a to 1:15p in the BEKI kitchen for matzah baking. For info contact Jon-Jay at jjtilsen@beki.org.